Showing posts with label misc. Show all posts
Showing posts with label misc. Show all posts

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Subprime on Vimeo by beepie

Understand and revel in the ridiculousness that was the subprime mortgage crisis in 3D through amazing hand-animation by beepie

Friday, June 12, 2009

Of Devils and Candybars.

July 18 2009.


Bukit Jalil National Stadium.

Inevitably, unfortunately (*pause* NOT) Malaysia XI will get their ass kicked by the Devils :D

P.S.: Ronaldo not required to perform aforementioned task.


Mom just got a free phone from DIGI, in exchange for signing up with them on a long-term contract where a minimum of RM200 (or something) is spent every month... And well she uses almost that much due to business so what the heck.

Finally my 6 year old phone may once and for all be put to rest. I'm sure most of you know it, the colorless, lifeless thing has been through a lot.

Even though i could not type with you the past 1-2 years, you served me as well as you retardedly could. Thanks.

But this is what I gots now!

And so now im stuck with a new phone with keys the size of 2 ants lined up horizontally.

Retarded has found its way back into my hands; albeit looking much better than before!