Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Take Over, The Break's Over!

After 16 weeks of break since the New Year, its finally ended!

Just over 48 hours after, its killing me here... the real work has finally begun!

I have begun outlining May, 2008 and here's what I have so far:
  • Sports Carnival - bowling, football, which has so far turned out to be an extremely extremely, double extremely tiring, gahhhh!
  • Agnita & Hussen's parties on April 30 - May 1 (must abstain from devil juice @ Nita's, football next day, gahhhh!)
  • 11th Hour premiere*
  • Shopping ($$, gahhhh!)
  • Langkawi
  • dinner/dance @ the Royal Lake Club (not my typical scene)
  • finish my driving hours, take the test and get my P Licence!
So far, have been waking up at 6am to get to college by 8am for football training for the Carnival.

And so,

gahhhh! emo

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Mariah Carey - Touch My Body on Piano By David Sides

This proves that this guy can play just about anything.


*Check out the rest of his awesome videos on YouTube @

Saturday, April 19, 2008

My celebrity look-alikes!

I tried a few times and got 50%, 60%, 70% like Mr. Chou.. malfunction hellooo

I look like a Jay Chou??! What the eff..

Monday, April 14, 2008

Important : Exams ahead!

So, with the finals looming, with nothing else i can think about:

Let's look at what's coming up in the next couple of weeks

Are you honestly thinking about the finals..

No, seriously.

Can't wait to get onto this skybridge!


And uh-huh, what's next week again?

Monday, April 7, 2008

100 Day Countdown!

Just went for my monthly dental checkup last weekend, and guess what?

Doc told me there's just one month to go for this teeny gap to close, then we leave the braces on for maybe around 2 - 3 more months before i can get 'em off!

And now, we wait.