Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Stop! But only for a second

Receiving two awards in one day can be emotional, and gratifying.

Unless of course, you're receiving something like a Nickelodeon's Kids Choice award. Or, a "Most Likely to be Murdered" award at your high school graduation. OR, getting slimed after receiving a Nickelodeon's Kids Choice award at the Nickelodeon's Kids Choice Awards.

But today, in receiving a Dean's List Award and the Presidential Scholarship Award from Sunway ADTP/WMU, it brought a deep sense of satisfaction and justification.

All the hard work over the past one and a half years - throughout the five semesters - was evident.

The clear message of goodbye and achievement hit me, when i received my Certificate of Completion from Sunway. By no means was it a grand, or extensive, or spectacular event, but it needn't be. I had shone. I had set high targets, and hit them. And it felt amazing.

All the Dean's List recipients!

It was one step forward.

Jolene and I

The fact that the ceremony ended so quickly brought a realization that that was that. For all that has been accomplished, a lot more awaits ahead.

New York City beckons.

"I don't want to just rub off the Big Apple's shine.

I plan on taking a bite and leaving my teeth marks."

- Jann

I can stop.

Look back, and be glad.

But only for a second.

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